Brand positioning

SEO positioning
In Lobby Digital we make your website appear within the first results in the most used search engines like Google.
We position your page through a responsive web design and communication strategies in social networks.
What is SEO?
Google is a complex machine that works with a pattern-based algorithm.
Our team analyzes that algorithm to generate quality content and position your brand.
The algorithm selects the top 10 websites according to the relevance of the terms. Also it organizes the searches of its users according to the names or keywords they use, to finally return results.
Game´s rules are constantly changing and Google makes transformations in its engine. Therefore, it is necessary to work with a team of professionals to optimize your website.

SEO positioning
The acronym stands for Search Engine Marketing refers to paid advertisements within search engines.
We generate strategic campaigns to position each brand.
Advertising campaigns
SEM allows you to create advertisements within search engines and to position your hosting.
With Lobby´s resources it is possible to recover short-term investments and generate the right traffic to your website.
Our team of specialists optimizes all Google Ads advertising campaigns with innovative tools.